Feel tired and then suddenly fall asleep when using a computer ?
try this , just set the timer time, and when the timer time is 00:00:00 your PC will immediatey shutdown (depends on your auto option).
+ New hibernate feature
+ Fix auto & timer option slide bug when you spam left click on it
+ Only can input number on Set Timer Menu
+ New pop-up menu :
+ Timer Interval Speed ( Default = Normal ( 1000ms / 1s )
- Normal
- Fast
- Very Fast
+ Auto Focus On/Off
try this , just set the timer time, and when the timer time is 00:00:00 your PC will immediatey shutdown (depends on your auto option).
+ New hibernate feature
+ Fix auto & timer option slide bug when you spam left click on it
+ Only can input number on Set Timer Menu
+ New pop-up menu :
+ Timer Interval Speed ( Default = Normal ( 1000ms / 1s )
- Normal
- Fast
- Very Fast
+ Auto Focus On/Off